International Journal of Divination and Prognostication
Editors: Michael Lackner and Charles Burnett
How has man dealt in daily practice with the uncertainty intrinsic to the future? International Journal of Divination and Prognostication is a peer-reviewed, international journal that investigates the concepts, techniques and practices and their development in different societies and in different periods. Its main focus is on Asia and Europe.
Prognostication in all its forms is an extremely diverse anthropological phenomenon, which so far has been understudied in the Humanities. The journal approaches the topic from a cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary perspective, aiming to both broaden specific knowledge and enhance critical reflection.
Published in close cooperation with the International Society for the Critical Study of Divination, it builds on the work of the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities at Erlangen University on “Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication – Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe”, thus providing a platform for scholars world-wide to present and connect their research on a subject of ever-growing importance for a wide variety of disciplines.
The IJDP is distributed exclusively by Brill.
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Michael Lackner, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Charles Burnett, Warburg Institute
Managing Editor:
Ulrike Pickardt
Editorial Board:
Che-chia Chang, Academia Sinica
Jean-Charles Coulon, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Brandon Dotson, Georgetown University
Mihai Dragnea, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Michael Grünbart, Universität Münster
Stephan Heilen, Universität Osnabrück
Klaus Herbers, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Lingfeng Lü, University of Science and Technology of China
Ulrike Ludwig, Technische Universität Dresden
Fabrizio Pregadio, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Stefano Rapisarda, University of Catania, Catania (UNICT)
Josefina Rodriguez-Arribas, Polish Academy of Sciences
Julien Véronèse, Université d’Orléans
Wenzhi Zhang, Shandong Universit
To submit an article please contact the journal’s Managing Editor, Ulrike Pickardt.
Download the IJDP Guidelines for Authors (PDF, 185 KB)
Vol 5. Second Issue
Vol. 5 no. 2 (November 2024) - table of contents:
Michael Lackner and Marta Hanson. Editorial for Issues 5.1 and 5.2, Festschrift for Nathan Sivin.
Constance A. Cook. “The Tricks of Jing (Jing jue 荆決): The Beginnings of jue 決/訣 as an Epistemic Genre.”
Michael Nylan. “On Divination in the Xunzi and Beyond: A Brief Note with Implications for the Modern Couplings of Secular vs. Sacred, the Personal vs. the Communal, and Monarchical and Autocratic.”
Zhao Lu. “Should I Be Worried? Worry in Dunhuang Divination.”
Che-Chia Chang. Jugaku kara mita fūsui: Sō kara Shin ni itaru gensetsushi, written by Minakuchi Takuju 水口拓寿.
Vol 5. First Issue
Vol. 5 no. 1 (June 2024) - table of contents:
Michael Lackner, Charles Burnett, Klaus Herbers, and Marta Hanson. Editorial.
Michael Lackner and Charles Burnett. Call for Papers and Book Reviews.
Brandon Dotson, Alexander Fidora, Esther-Maria Guggenmos, Marta Hanson, Stéphanie Homola, Stephan N. Kory, Fabrizio Pregadio, Stefano Rapisarda, Petra G. Schmidl, and Zhao Lu. “The Käte Hamburger Kolleg IKGF: Insights and Outlooks” (12–14 June 2023) – Looking Back and Looking Ahead.
Lisa Raphals. Early Chinese and Greek Accounts of Chance and Randomness.
Richard J. Smith. Magic Matters: Engaging with Nathan Sivin on the History of Divination, Medicine, and Popular Religion in China.
Lex Lu. Physiognomy in Ming China: Fortune and the Body, written by Xing Wang.
Michael Lackner. Traité des figures célestes. Texte introduit,
traduit et commenté par Marc Kalinowski, written by Maître de Huainan.
Vol 4. Second Issue
Vol. 4 no. 2 (August 2023) - table of contents:
Michael Lackner and Charles Burnett. Editorial.
Tim Hertogh, Carine van Rhijn, Bruno Schalekamp, and Petra G. Schmidl. Medieval Divination by Unexpected Incidents: The Tabula prenostica Salomonis.
Erling Agøy. Weather Prognostication in Late Imperial China as Presented in Local Gazetteers (1644–1722).
Radu Bikir. Wandering the Diviner’s Path: A Self-Experiment in Taiwanese Divination Practices.
Erwan Dianteill. Mambila Divination: Framing Questions, Constructing Answers, written by David Zeitlyn.
Vol 4. First Issue
Vol. 4 no. 1 (January 2023) - table of contents:
Martin Gansten. Platikos and moirikos: Ancient Horoscopic Practice in the Light of Vettius Valens’ Anthologies.
Jiayao Wang. The Drinking Game in The Dream of the Red Chamber: Divination, Prophecy, and Imitation.
Vol 3. Second Issue
Vol. 3 no. 2 (October 2021) - table of contents:
Erwan Dianteill. “Venus, Issa, and the Moon Dog”
Aude Lucas. “Searching for Meaning: Inaccurate Interpretations and Deceitful Predictions in Dream Narratives of the Qing”
Mihai Dragnea. “The Christian Attitude to Hippomancy in Twelfth-Century Szczecin and the Desacralization of the Sacred Horse”
Petra G. Schmidl. “Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice , edited by Liana Saif, Francesca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki, and Farouk Yahya”
Vol 3. First Issue
Vol. 3 no. 1 (March 2022) - table of contents:
Tiziana Lippiello. “Why Was the Chinese Historian Shen Yue 沈約 (441–513) So Fond of Auspicious Signs and Prophecies?”
C. Philipp E. Nothaft. “Sidereal Astrology in Medieval Europe (Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries): Traces of a Forgotten Tradition”
Radu Bikir. ” Transcendent and Immanent Efficacy in Divination: A Description and Classification of the Diviners from Hong Mai’s 洪邁 (1123–1202) Yijian zhi 夷堅志 (The Chronicles of Yijian)”
Vol 2. Second Issue
Vol. 2 no. 2 (October 2021) - table of contents:
Charles Burnett. “Helena Avelar de Carvalho (17 September 1964–9 March 2021)”
Helena Avelar. “Who Wants to Live Forever? Astrological Methods for Calculating Lifespan in Western Culture and Perspectives on Determinism in Astrology”
Rebecca Robinson. “The Document on Rain (Yushu 雨書): Weather and Prognostication in Early China”
Florentina Badalanova Geller. “The Secret of Secrets: The East Slavic Version; Introduction, Text, Annotated Translation, and Slavic Index , written by William F. Ryan and Moshe Taube”
Vol 2. First Issue
Vol. 2 no. 1 (February 2021) - table of contents:
Eszter Spät. “The Book Revealing the Future in a Religion without Books: the Apocalyptic Visions of Yezidi Seers”
Fabrizio Pregadio. “The Man-Bird Mountain: Writing, Prophecy, and Revelation in Early China”
José Vieira Leitão. “Anselmo Castelo Branco: Profiling an Alchemist Prophet”
Maria Sorokina. “Sapientia Astrologica: Astrology, Magic and Natural Knowledge, ca. 1250–1800 , written by H Darrel Rutkin”
Gerd Mentgen. “Konjunktionsprognostik in der Frühen Neuzeit , written by Stephan Heilen”
Vol 1. Second Issue
Vol. 1 no. 2 (August 2020) - table of contents:
David Pankenier. “Parallel Planetary Astrologies in Medieval China and Inner Asia.”
Stefano Manganaro. “Eschatological Awareness without Apocalyptic or Millenarian Expectations: Facing the Future in the Ottonian World (from the 10th to the Early 11th Century).”
Grégoire Espesset. “Portents in Early Imperial China: Observational Patterns from the “Spring and Autumn” Weft Profoundly Immersed Herptile (Qiantan ba 潛潭巴).”
Mario Poceski. “Chan Narratives about Death Premonitions and Avoidance of Fate.”
Vol 1. First issue
Vol.1 no. 1 ( November 2019 ) - table of contents:
Darrel Rutkin. “Is Astrology a Type of Divination? Thomas Aquinas, the Index of Prohibited Books, and the Construction of a Legitimate Astrology in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.”
Anne Schmiedl. “Written in Stone? Creative Strategies of Struggling with Fate in Chinese Character Divination (cezi 測字).”
László Sándor Chardonnens. ” ‘The good and evill dayes of the moneth to worke in’: Lunaries in European Magic Manuscripts.”
Joanna Komorowska. “Genethlialogy, Katarchoscopy, and Astrological Authorities in John Tzetzes’s Exposition of the Iliad.”
Jeffrey Kotyk. “Chinese and English Horoscopy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: The Astrological Doctrines of the Twelve Houses and Lot of Fortune in the Xingxue dacheng 星學大成 by Wan Minying 萬民英 (1521-1603) and Christian Astrology by William Lilly (1602-1681).”
Jeffrey Kotyk. Review of Esoteric Buddhist Astrology: Japanese Sukuyōdō & Indian Astrology, by Michio Yano, trans. Bill M. Mak.