“The Käte Hamburger Kolleg IKGF: Insights and Outlooks” (12–14 June 2023)

IKFG conference "Insights and Outlooks" June 2023

Early last summer, the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities (ICRH, better known as IKGF, Internationales Kolleg für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung) “Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication. Strategies of Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe” concluded its activities with a final conference. The title – “Insights and Outlooks” – aptly describes its aims: to evaluate the results and synergies of the research project, to recognize its fundamental importance in establishing the critical study of divination in academia, and to reflect on the future prospects for research into divination and prognostication. The event brought together scholars affiliated with IKGF from various parts of the world in Erlangen who took the opportunity to reflect on the IKGF’s role in their individual careers, outline the current state of divination-related scholarship in their respective research areas, discuss future perspectives of the field, and bid a heartfelt farewell.

A collection of voices from the conference can be found in the latest issue of the IJDP. They strongly convey the spirit of passionate collaboration and mutual inspiration fostered by the IKGF. At the same time, they provide a compact overview of the project’s accomplishments and the state of the field.

Download the conference program for further details.

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